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Category: CBH - Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy

  1. Are you guilty of mindreading?

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    What is mindreading? 

    There’s nothing mystical at all about this concept in the psychology worldMindreading is a common thinking error that most of us engage in at some point in our lives. It's happening when we make assumptions about what someone else is thinking or feeling without any evidence to support it or even asking the other person. This is often the result of our own anxieties, fears, or insecurities, which leads us to believe that people are thinking the worst of us, make assumptions or jump to conclusions. This type of thinking can have a negative impact on our mental health, as it can lead to increased stress and anxiety. It can also lead to miscommunications and misunderstandings, which can cause problems with our relationships with others.  

    Why is mindreading a problem? 

    Assuming we know what someone is thinking or feeling is a dangerous game to play, as it can lead us down a path of negative self-talk and worry. We can quickly jump to conclusions about the motives and intentions of others, without having any evidence to support our beliefs. Mindreading is particularly harmful because it can lead to a vicious cycle of negative thoughts. If we assume that someone is thinking negatively about us, we may become self-conscious and begin to doubt ourselves. This can cause us to feel anxious or depressed, and may even cause us to withdraw from social situations altogether.  

    When might you be mindreading?  

    At work: You might assume that a co-worker doesn't like you because they didn't smile when you walked by their desk. Mindreading may convince us that they have actively chosen not to smile at us leading to a negative thought spiral even convincing ourselves we must have offended them. In reality, there could be a thousand other reasons why they didn’t smile at you: Perhaps they’re having a bad day, distracted by their work or maybe just didn’t see you. i 

    In relationships. We might assume that our partner is upset with us without any concrete evidence. We might believe that they're thinking negative thoughts about us, when in reality they might be completely unaware of our feelings. Perhaps one person in a relationship has forgotten to do a chore they said they would do, this may have been a genuine mistake but the other person assumes it has been done to be spiteful or hurtful.  

    In social situations: Mindreading can lead us to feel anxious and self-conscious. If eating alone in a restaurant we may feel self-conscious. We might assume that others are judging us, thinking that we are a loser with no friends. There is potential that this can make us withdraw from social situations or avoid them altogether, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. The reality when eating alone in a restaurant is that you may go unnoticed, or perhaps people are looking at you with envy at having such a calm and relaxing meal, or admiring how confident you are to seem completely at ease eating in a restaurant alone. When mindreading we tend to make assumptions and assume the worst, despite often having no evidence to support this. 

    By recognizing the common scenarios where mindreading occurs, we can start to challenge our negative thoughts, consider other possabilities and reframe our thinking. Instead of jumping to conclusions about what others might be thinking, we can focus on the facts and look for evidence to support our assumptions. This can help us to feel more confident and secure in ourselves, and improve our mental health overall.

     Mindreading - hypno CBT

  2. Reducing your anxiety by spotting black and white thinking

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    Black and white thinking

    Do you find yourself thinking in extremes? Are you often stuck in an “all or nothing” mindset? If so, you could be engaging in what is known as black and white thinking. Black and white thinking is a thinking error (or cognitive distortion) that can lead to anxiety and mental health struggles if left unchecked. 

    What is black and white thinking? 

    Black and white thinking involves seeing everything in extreme terms of either good or bad, right or wrong, success or failure with no middle ground. This kind of thinking can be harmful to our mental health and wellbeing because it often leads to stress, anxiety, and even depression.  

    People who engage in black and white thinking tend to view situations in absolutes, without considering the nuances or complexities involved. This kind of thinking pattern can also lead to negative self-talk, where people may label themselves as either a success or a failure. For example, someone who engages in black and white thinking may say, "If I didn't get a promotion, then I'm a failure" instead of recognizing that there could be multiple reasons why they didn't get the promotion and that it does not define their worth as a person.  

    Black and white thinking can also cause us to focus only on the negatives in a situation, rather than seeing the positive aspects. For example “if I don’t get the top grade for this test I’m a failure” rather than recognising any level of pass as a success.  

    Furthermore, this type of thinking can also cause us to have negative thoughts about ourselves and others. For instance, if we believe that someone has done something wrong, we may see them as completely bad and irredeemable, rather than recognizing that everyone makes mistakes. Overall, black and white thinking can limit our ability to see the world in it’s complex reality of shades of grey and can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. 


    How to overcome black and white thinking 

    Now that you understand the negative impact of black and white thinking, let's look at some practical steps to stop it.  

    1. Challenge your thoughts: The first step to breaking this thinking pattern is to become aware of it. Whenever you catch yourself thinking in absolutes, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself, "Is this really true?" or "Are there other ways of looking at this? What are some of the other possibilities?” 

    2. Look for the grey areas: Recognise that most situations are not completely black or white. There are often shades of grey. Start looking for those grey areas and try to find some middle ground. 

    3. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to observe your thoughts and let them pass by without getting caught up in the negatives and potentially spiralling off into a negative thought cycle which may be irrational. 

    4. Reflect: Reflect on times when you may have had black and white thinking, hindsight is a great wayto begin building self-awareness about potential triggering situations, your reactions and how you could have thought about them differently. You can carry this knowledge with you to future situations. 

    5. Take small steps: Breaking a thinking pattern is not easy, so take small steps. Instead of trying to change your thinking all at once, focus on one area of your life where you tend to think in absolutes. Start challenging those thoughts and looking for the grey areas. 

    6. Seek professional help: If you find that you are struggling to break this thinking pattern on your own, consider seeking support.  

     Black and white thinking